Date: Thu, 2018-01-11Mar Thevodosios the AbbotFeast of Bishop Yoohanon Mar TheodosiusBible Readings Verses: 1 Tm 3:8-13Lk 12:4-12
Date: Mon, 2018-01-08St. Stephen, the MartyrFeast of Bishop Philipos Mar StephanosBible Readings Verses: Acts 7:54-601 Cor 16:15-18Mt 23:34-39
Date: Sun, 2018-01-07I Sunday after DenhoExaltation of St. John the BaptistSt. JulianBible Readings Verses: Eph 3:1-7Lk 7:24-28Mk 1:14-20Gn 30:25-43Ex 3:1-15Ps 147:1-11Is 49:7-13Acts 2:37-47Eph 1:3-14Mt 4:12-22
Date: Sat, 2018-01-06Denho (Baptism of Our Lord)Holy Qurbono for the PeopleBible Readings Verses: Mk 1:1-11Gn 24:10-202 Kgs 3:21-27Ez 47:1-12Is 12:1-6Acts 19:1-7Ti 2:11-3:9Mt 3:13-17
Date: Thu, 2018-01-04Erection of the Eparchy of St Mary, Queen of Peace USA-Canada (2016)Bible Readings Verses: 2 Tm 3:8-17Lk 12:22-34
Date: Wed, 2018-01-03Prophet Malachi, St Chavara Kuriakose EliasBible Readings Verses: Heb 11:23-31Jn 1:29-34