Date: Tue, 2025-10-28Erection of the Eparchy of Bathery (1978)Bible Readings Verses: 2 Cor 9:1-5Mk 13:32-37
Date: Sun, 2025-10-26VI Sunday after Sleebo (Last Sunday of Liturgical Year)Bible Readings Verses: Lk 12:13-21Ex 12:43-51Jb 23:1-7Ez 10:18-22Is 52:7-151 Pt 2:13-171 Cor 6:9-11Mt 25:31-46
Date: Thu, 2025-10-23St. James, the Apostle, the son of AlphaeusBible Readings Verses: Gal 1:11-17Mt 13:53-58