Am 4:6-13

6Though I made your teeth

clean of food in all your cities,

and made bread scarce in all your dwellings,

Yet you did not return to me—

oracle of the LORD.a

7b And I withheld the rain from you

when the harvest was still three months away;

I sent rain upon one city

but not upon another;

One field was watered by rain,

but the one I did not water dried up;

8Two or three cities staggered to another to drink water

but were not satisfied;

Yet you did not return to me—

oracle of the LORD.

9I struck you with blight and mildew;

locusts devoured your gardens and vineyards,

the caterpillar consumed your fig trees and olive trees;

Yet you did not return to me—

oracle of the LORD.c

10I sent upon you pestilence like that of Egypt;d

with the sword I killed your young men and your captured horses,

and to your nostrils I brought the stench of your camps;

Yet you did not return to me—

oracle of the LORD.

11I overthrew you

as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah;

you were like a brand plucked from the fire,e

Yet you did not return to me—

oracle of the LORD.

12Therefore thus I will do to you,* Israel:

and since I will deal thus with you,

prepare to meet your God, O Israel!

13The one who forms mountains and creates winds,

and declares to mortals their thoughts;

Who makes dawn into darkness

and strides upon the heights of the earth,

the LORD, the God of hosts, is his name!