Sir 4:1-10
1My child, do not mock the life of the poor;
do not keep needy eyes* waiting.a
2Do not grieve the hungry,
nor anger the needy.
3Do not aggravate a heart already angry,
nor delay giving to the needy.
4A beggar’s request do not reject;
do not turn your face away from the poor.
5From the needy do not turn your eyes;
do not give them reason to curse you.
6If in their pain they cry out bitterly,
their Rock will hear the sound of their cry.
7Endear yourself to the assembly;
before the city’s ruler bow your head.
8Give a hearing to the poor,
and return their greeting with deference;
9Deliver the oppressed from their oppressors;b
right judgment should not be repugnant to you.
10Be like a father to orphans,
and take the place of a husband to widows.
Then God will call you his child,
and he will be merciful to you and deliver you from the pit.