Jer 25:30-38

30As for you, prophesy against them all these words and say to them:

The LORD roars from on high,

from his holy dwelling he raises his voice;

Mightily he roars over his sheepfold,

a shout like that of vintagers echoesn

over all the inhabitants of the earth.

31The uproar spreads

to the end of the earth;

For the LORD has an indictment against the nations,

he enters into judgment against all flesh:

The wicked shall be given to the sword—

oracle of the LORD.

32Thus says the LORD of hosts:

Look! disaster stalks

nation after nation;

A violent storm surges

from the recesses of the earth.

33On that day, those whom the LORD has slain will be strewn from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned, they will not be gathered, they will not be buried; they shall lie like dung upon the ground.o

34Howl, you shepherds, and wail!

roll on the ground, leaders of the flock!

The time for your slaughter has come;

like choice rams you shall fall.

35There is no flight for the shepherds,

no escape for the leaders of the flock.p

36Listen! Wailing from the shepherds,

howling from the leaders of the flock!

For the LORD lays waste their grazing place;

37desolate are the peaceful pastures,

from the burning wrath of the LORD.

38Like a lion he leaves his lair,

and their land is made desolate

By the sweeping sword,

and the burning wrath of the LORD.q