Is 51:1-8

1Listen to me, you who pursue justice,

who seek the LORD;

Look to the rock from which you were hewn,

to the quarry* from which you were taken;a

2Look to Abraham, your father,

and to Sarah, who gave you birth;

Though he was but one when I called him,

I blessed him and made him many.b

3Yes, the LORD shall comfort Zion,

shall comfort all her ruins;

Her wilderness he shall make like Eden,

her wasteland like the garden of the LORD;

Joy and gladness shall be found in her,

thanksgiving and the sound of song.

4Be attentive to me, my people;*

my nation, give ear to me.

For teaching shall go forth from me,

and my judgment, as light to the peoples.c

5I will make my victory come swiftly;

my salvation shall go forth

and my arm shall judge the nations;

In me the coastlands shall hope,

and my arm they shall await.

6Raise your eyes to the heavens,

look at the earth below;

Though the heavens vanish like smoke,

the earth wear out like a garment

and its inhabitants die like flies,

My salvation shall remain forever

and my victory shall always be firm.*

7Hear me, you who know justice,

you people who have my teaching at heart:

Do not fear the reproach of others;

remain firm at their revilings.

8They shall be like a garment eaten by moths,

like wool consumed by grubs;

But my victory shall remain forever,

my salvation, for all generations.d