Is 40:9-15

9Go up onto a high mountain,

Zion, herald of good news!*

Cry out at the top of your voice,

Jerusalem, herald of good news!

Cry out, do not fear!

Say to the cities of Judah:

Here is your God!

10Here comes with power

the Lord GOD,

who rules by his strong arm;

Here is his reward with him,

his recompense before him.

11Like a shepherd he feeds his flock;

in his arms he gathers the lambs,

Carrying them in his bosom,

leading the ewes with care.d

12Who has measured with his palm the waters,

marked off the heavens with a span,

held in his fingers the dust of the earth,

weighed the mountains in scales

and the hills in a balance?*

13Who has directed the spirit of the LORD,

or instructed him as his counselor?e

14Whom did he consult to gain knowledge?

Who taught him the path of judgment,

or showed him the way of understanding?

15See, the nations count as a drop in the bucket,

as a wisp of cloud on the scales;

the coastlands weigh no more than a speck.*