Blessing of St. Joseph's Syro-Malankara Catholic Church Detroit
The St. Joseph’s Malankara Catholic Parish in Detroit is blessed with a beautiful place of worship of their own. On November 28, 2019, the blessing of the church and Holy Qurbono was celebrated. His Excellency Most Rev. Dr. Philipos Mar Stephanos, Bishop of the Eparchy presided over the liturgy of the blessing and the Holy Qurbono. Many priests of the Eparchy, namely, Rt. Rev. Fr. Augustine Mangalath Corepiscopo, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gigi Philip were present along with priests from other Christian denominations present including long-time supporters of the Detroit parish, Pastor Christi and family, and Rev. Mr. Richard Nelson and family were in attendance. The blessing of the church marked the fulfilment for the St. Joseph’s Syro-Malankara Catholic parish community of Detroit. After the Holy Qurbono, there was a public meeting during which some of the parishioners were recognized for their outstanding contributions to the Detroit church, and the meeting concluded with a lunch for all those present. Congratulations to Rev. Fr. Pathrose Panuel, the Pastor and the entire Detroit parish community on this auspicious occasion.