VII The Season of Sleebo

Sun, 2024-06-23
V Sunday after Pentecost
Seminary Day
Bible Readings Verses: 
Mk 9:30-37
Ex 23:14-19
Zec 6:1-8
Hos 14:6-10
Is 40:27-31
Acts 9:10-19
2 Cor 6:14-18
Lk 9:10-17

Sun, 2024-06-16
IV Sunday after Pentecost
Thirteen Days Nombu (Apostles) begins
Bible Readings Verses: 
Lk 10:1-16
Dt 33:23-29
Jos 6:14-18
Ps 15:1-5
Is 65:8-12
Acts 6:1-7
1 Cor 10:14-22
Lk 10:17-20

Sat, 2024-06-15
Commemoration of the erection of the First Church in honor of Mary, the Mother of God
Bible Readings Verses: 
1 Cor 7:17-24
Jn 4:21-26
