VII The Season of Sleebo

Mon, 2023-10-23
St. James, the Apostle, the son of Alphaeus
Bible Readings Verses: 
Gal 1:11-17
Mt 13:53-58

Sun, 2023-10-22
VI Sunday after Sleebo
Mission Sunday
Mar Hilarion
St. John Paul II
Bible Readings Verses: 
Mt 19:13-26
Isa 43:22-28
Acts 28:23-28
1 Cor 5:6-13
Lk 18:18-27
Mt 28:16-20
Gen 42:29-38
Sir 35:1-13
Isa 6:8-13
Acts 22:17-21
Rom 10:14-20
Mk 16:14-18
