Date: Mon, 2022-11-21Entrance of Mary, Mother of God, into the TempleBible Readings Verses: Phil 4:4-9Mt 12:46-50
Date: Sun, 2022-11-20Annunciation to Mary, Mother of GodSocial Communication Media DayFeast of Chirst the King (Latin Rite)Bible Readings Verses: Mt 1:1-17Gen 3:8-15Zech 4:1-71 Jn 3:1-10Gal 4:1-7Lk 1:26-38
Date: Sun, 2022-11-13Message to ZachariahSt. John ChrysostomFeast of Bishop Yoohanon Mar ChrysostomBible Readings Verses: Lk 1:1-17Gen 17:15-22Rom 4:13-25Lk 1:5-25