Date: Tue, 2024-03-05Anniversary of the Enthronement of Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis as Major Archbishop-Catholicos (2007)Bible Readings Verses: Jer 6:16-211 Cor 16:13-24Jn 10:14-16
Date: Sun, 2024-03-03Knanoitho Sunday (Curing the Daughter of Cananite woman)IV Sunday of the Great FastBible Readings Verses: Mk 7:24-30Ex 16:1-121 Sm 7:10-17Sir 10:6-18Is 56:1-7Acts 20:22-32Rom 7:13-25Mt 15:21-28
Date: Sun, 2024-02-25M'shario Sunday (Curing the Paralytic)III Sunday of the Great FastRani Maria, the BlessedBible Readings Verses: Lk 5:17-26Dt 31:19-30Sir 9:10-18Ez 33:23-33Is 5:18-25Acts 5:12-16Rom 5:1-11Mk 2:1-122 Cor 4:7-15Mt 10:16-25